Sunday, January 8, 2012

Water is my friend.

So, my second night has turned out to be reasonably better than my first. I got to sleep by 2 a.m. and woke up at 10 a.m. feeling much better than Saturday. The nausea was only mild and never really felt like I was going to be sick. The internal ache is a constant, general background "noise" and although it did amp up a little, it also was not as bad as Saturday night. And then there is the "shakes" . . .

I have discovered something about the shakes as they apply to me (disclaimer) and that is, they can be minimised by large doses of H20! Who would have thunk it? (Certainly not the myriad of "expert" articles and opinions I read about alcoholism and the treatment thereof). I believe that my improvement all round is, in no small part, due to my more than doubling my liquid intake for the day (see my "Stats" updates for details) as well as my refraining from solid foods and thus allowing my body and all my internal organs, that have been under so much pressure for so long, to take a break, rehydrate and detoxify.

Water is your number one key to good health kids!

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