Friday, January 20, 2012

This could get interesting . . .

So no video today. I felt like just writing a short entry to let you know what's going on with me physically first up. Woke up feeling the usual slight nausea and my heart rate is still slightly elevated but not to the extent of a few days ago but apart from that still feeling pretty good. Slight tiredness to my muscles today so did not go for a walk. Instead spent most of the day at home. Have not had a bowel movement for a couple of days and felt I could use a bit of a flush out so got the old enema kit out and after that had a scorching hot bath with epson salts and bi-carb. Gotta say felt way better for it.

Spent the rest of the morning on house work. Did the laundry, washed the dishes etc. Then went out to get cat food and toothpaste. Walking through the shopping centre today I noticed that the food was not even the slightest bit enticing. This tells me I am transitioning into the next phase of my fast. I actually no longer feel hungry and have absolutely no desire to eat. This is good.

I have just finished watching a movie and have noticed that my perception has subtly shifted. The best way to describe it is that it is a little like being stoned except that I still have full mental capacity and my reactions, balance, coordination etc are still fully functioning. Yet I have a slightly alterred vision and I notice my thoughts are a little more, shall we say, esoteric in nature. This could get interesting ; )

Would also just like to acknowledge the passing of one of my favourite singers from any era.

Ms Etta James, thank you.

Fitting song for my blog, and one she identified as 'the song that best described her life' . . .

Stats: WF Day 7

Water: 14 glasses = 3.5 litres

Meditation: morning 15 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 + evening x 7 = x 14

Walking: morning 40 min

Sleep: 3 hours + 3 hours = 6 hours

Bowel movements: 1

Tibetan 5 Rites

A shorter video today mostly about the Tibetan 5 Rites as I have had quite a number of messages asking about them. As I post this I am about to go out for "drinks" with a mate and then catch up with a couple more mates later this evening. My first test out Friday night with the fellas! So, let's see how we go . . .

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stats: WF Day 6

Water: 15 glasses = 3.75 litres

Meditation: morning 15 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 + evening x 7 = x 14

Walking: morning 40 min

Sleep: 6 hours

Bowel movements: -

Be Irrational. I dare you!

I woke this morning feeling 100% better than yesterday. It is actually quite extraordinary how good I feel today in comparison. I feel well rested despite not falling asleep before 2 am (I am still running in work mode as far as sleeping habits go - it is something I must address soon) my body feels more relaxed today, my muscles do not feel tired and I have considerably more energy.

But this is not what my video is about. To be honest, I am not sure exactly what the video is about, I had some ideas swirling around in my head this morning so I essentially sat down and pressed record, as I have promised to do with this blog. So, if your game, dive in. Be warned, it's my longest yet and I do seem to ramble on but I hope there maybe something in it to at least make you think. Even if you decide to disagree with me.

Pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

So, I noticed that I said "decriminalisation" when I meant "criminalisation". And I also notice again how slow I seem at the moment. This is quite a trip watching myself and noticing the effects of the alcohol and the withdrawal. It reaffirms my commitment to seeing this process through. Anyway, hope you got something from all of that even if it was a giggle at my expense. That's ok, I have to smile myself watching me struggle for the right words - can not wait to see how I progress from here. Reclaiming your own mind is one hell of a motivating idea I can tell you! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stats: WF Day 5

Water: 13 glasses = 3.25 litres

Meditation: morning 15 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 + evening x 7

Walking: 1/2 hour

Sleep: night 5 hours + morning 1 hour + afternoon 2 hours = 8 hours

Bowel movements: -


Stats: WF Day 4

Water: 12 glasses = 3 litres

Meditation: morning 15 min + evening 15 min = 30 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 = x 7

Walking: -

Sleep: 8 hours

Bowel movements: -

Gertrude St, Collingwood.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Small Win.

So here's a longer video I made when I got home from the studio. I'm kinda getting used to the real-time uneditability of this style of blogging but I hate it when I mis-use words such as "expire" instead of "perspire"! D'oh! Anyway, I've got a little heads up in this if you are planning on any style of fast.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Stats: WF Day 3

Water: 14 glasses = 3.5 litres

Meditation: morning 10 min + evening 10 min = 20 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 + afternoon x 7 = x 14

Walking: 0

Sleep: 8 hours 

Bowel movements: x 4


Stats: WF Day 2

Water: 18 glasses = 4.5 litres

Meditation: morning 10 min + evening 10 min = 20 min

Tibetan 5 Rites: morning x 7 + evening x 7 = x 14

Walking: morning 1/2 hour

Sleep: 7 hours

Bowel movements: several across the day (MAG-N-ZONE)

Self Portrait

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Get More Sun!

Interesting that you know things yet forget to practise them . . . I know I need to get some sun every day but am surprised when it makes me feel so much better . . . *shakes head at self*

and the highlight of being at the beach . . . ?

. . . getting to eat chocolate cake at 10:30 in the morning!!!

Back to reality . . .

Well spotted, I've changed my look. I guess some type of acknowledgement and explanation of the . . . er . . . missing follicles is in order.

I find that I respond well to drama, ceremony and extravagant, symbolic gestures (most humans do) so, with that in mind, in keeping with my goal of reinvention I thought some symbolic gesture was in order. Something that will continually remind me of what I am aiming for, something new, a bit scary, something I've never done before (I like doing things I've never done before).

Thus . . .

Anyway, here's my latest video about my first day back in the real world of kids, relationships, house work, gardening etc etc