Greetings friends. Today marks the beginning of a new journey for me. I decided last night that it felt right to complete my juice fast I have been following, as a support for my alcohol withdrawal and detox, and begin the next phase. Water Fast. Therefore, last night, I held a small ceromony to mark the occasion with a special juice (see recipe below) and a handful of "Pulse" (a pure, raw food made from fruits, nuts, seeds and grain). I hope you enjoy it.
Today Jo and the kids took me home so I have not produced a video (I also have a minor "reveal" tomorrow which is why I am not going to appear in a video tonight) but be assured I shall produce some more material tomorrow. Cheers.
The Last Supper . . . (cue: pipe organ)
Final Morsels . . .
3 x apples
3 x oranges
3 x lemons
3 x carrots
3 x celery
3 x beetroot
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of spinach
Day 6 and I am still improving all round. Shot this video this morning and my family arrived up from Melbourne a little bit after that. We were all very excited to be reunited. My little boy, Ji, has been a bit upset with daddy this week for leaving him for so long and refused to talk to me on Skype yesterday but it's all good now I'm pleased to report. As I write this I have a real urge to have a glass or three of wine as bedtime with the kids is not going according to plan and, naturally, my automatic/learned and indulged past behaviour has been to just smooth the annoyance with a drink . . . I guess I'll do this instead.
I may, from time to time, take the liberty of indulging in a rant or two (on topic naturally) such as the following (I can feel those that know me well rolling their eyes - I'll try to keep it to a minimum, honest).
Anyway, here's the, oh . . . hang on, I also need to provide a Language Warning with this video as I do use a profane word. So, if your easily offended please hang on, it's going to get a lot bumpier than this I would imagine . . .
No video today - the upload speed is just too slow. So, here's a shot of me walking. I actually feel the best I have felt since beginning my detox/fast and I anticipate only to improve further across the next couple of days. The juice fast is doing it's thing.
But, I have some very exciting news to share . . . yesterday my lovely, amazing partner Joanne and I officially became engaged! We have been "unofficially" engaged for some time but according to Jo it became official when she received her beautiful engagement pendant and who am I to argue? The announcement was first seen on our facebook pages (as, I guess most news is these days) and I just wanted to share it here as well.
I also want to take this opportunity to say that Jo is truly amazing. She is the most loving, caring, giving, supportive partner one could ever hope for and I love her more the language can express. The support, understanding and trust she has shown me during these last 4 months or so and particularly when I told her the manner in which I wanted to tackle my issues has been awesome and extremely humbling and I will be eternally grateful.
Today I feel very much improved from the last couple of days. Most of the physical symptoms have dissipated and I managed to get to sleep by midnight and had an only slightly interupted sleep through till 9 a.m.
It seems the alcohol detox has had some type of effect on the way I am responding to the juice fast. I generally feel not very well around day 3 or 4 of a fast as the toxins have really started to build up and I need to facilitate their removal as quickly as possible (more on that in another post) but I do not feel any of this today so my best guesses are that either the alcohol detox symptoms have masked any other, more familiar symptoms, or (more likely) the fun and games of the toxic build-up is yet to come. Either way, I think I'll just have another glass of juice and wait and see . . .
So, my second night has turned out to be reasonably better than my first. I got to sleep by 2 a.m. and woke up at 10 a.m. feeling much better than Saturday. The nausea was only mild and never really felt like I was going to be sick. The internal ache is a constant, general background "noise" and although it did amp up a little, it also was not as bad as Saturday night. And then there is the "shakes" . . .
I have discovered something about the shakes as they apply to me (disclaimer) and that is, they can be minimised by large doses of H20! Who would have thunk it? (Certainly not the myriad of "expert" articles and opinions I read about alcoholism and the treatment thereof). I believe that my improvement all round is, in no small part, due to my more than doubling my liquid intake for the day (see my "Stats" updates for details) as well as my refraining from solid foods and thus allowing my body and all my internal organs, that have been under so much pressure for so long, to take a break, rehydrate and detoxify.